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10 Deadly diseases interspecies

10 Deadly diseases interspecies

Bacteria and viruses that are lethal to some species can grow rapidly and spread to other species. An example is bird flu. Diseases transmitted from animals to humans or vice versa is called zoonosis. More than three dozen diseases can be transmitted through direct contact and more than four dozen others are transmitted through bites.

Here are 10 deadly diseases that interspecies transmission occurs and may cause death in large numbers.

1. "Crab" from gorillas
Humans infected with genital lice from gorillas since 3 million years ago. In 2007, experts concluded that transmission of head lice, known as the "crab" was not caused by sleeping with a gorilla but because sleeping in gorilla nests or eating gorilla.

2. Man who killed a chimpanzee virus
Ecotourism has been blamed as peneyebab menjangkitnya smpanse respiratory disease outbreaks in Africa. The evidence strongly suggests that d iantara in 1999 and 2006, the virus that is transmitted from human to chimpanzee has killed entire populations of chimpanzees in West Africa. The virus is human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) and human metapneumovirus (HMPV)

3. Polio, yaws, anthrax
Third dangerous disease in humans have been infected primates. According to Fabian Leendertz, wildlife epidemiologist at the Robert Koch-Institute, the chimpanzees at Gombe National Park in Tanzania Steram alleged to have been infected with polio from humans.

Leendertz also added that the gorillas were infected with the human yaws, a disease related to syphilis but is not transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Outbreaks of anthrax are thought to have come from cattle that human shepherd also been killed chimpanzees in West Africa.

4. Ebola
The virus initially infects gorillas and chimpanzees is then spread to humans who eat infected animals. Now the disease can be transmitted from human-to-human through contact with blood or body fluids of infected people. In the mid 70s ebola outbreak has killed hundreds of people.

5. Big cats also heartburn
Lions, cheetahs, and tigers get the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium that causes ulcers, when they used to prey on early humans. This disease can still be found on the big cats to the present.

6. Parasites brain destroyer
It is estimated that more than half the human population infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in the brain. These parasites can be called to increase the risk of neuroticism and a trigger schizophrenia.

The main host of this parasite is the cat, where the microbes reproduce. Wild cats that are left will be more susceptible to this disease. Toxoplasma transmission to humans usually occurs through cat feces.

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, originated from chimpanzees and other primates and humans is estimated to infect the first time a century ago. The virus is destroying the human immune system and opens the door to cause lethal infection or cancer.

At the end of 2007 estimated 33 million people living with HIV, including approximately 2.7 million new cases in the same year and about 2 million people - including 270 thousand children - died during the year. As many as two thirds of HIV infections occur in sub-Saharan Africa.

8. Deadly bite
Zoonotic disease caused by animal bites continue to rise and kill hundreds of thousands of people every year. Mosquitoes become the main cause of malaria in first place because it has infected more than 350 million people each year and kills more than 1 million of them. Most malaria victims are children in the south of the Sahara Desert. As many as 50 million people per year due to a fever-infected mosquitoes, 500 thousand of them hospitalized and 2.5% patients died.

9. Bubonic plague
Massive impact could cripple the world civilization. This event is known as the Black Death, also known as bubonic plague.

Plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis is carried by rats and cats. However, these bacteria become extremely deadly when transmitted to humans, as happened in the 1300s. Symptoms include fever, chills, weakness, and swollen lymph nodes very painful. Even until now, patients who did not receive treatment can meet death.

10. Epidemic influenza
Outbreaks of bird flu and swine flu a few years ago yet nothing compared the occurrence of pandemic influenza event in 1918. As many as one-fifth of world population infected and an estimated 50 million people die due to pandemic that swept the world in a matter of months. The death rate is highest in the history of the spread of disease within a short time

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