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Nursing Whooping cough

Nursing Whooping cough

Called also laryngotracheobronchitis, whooping stone is an infection of the upper airway and lower due to edema of the subglottis and inflammation of the voice rope, which sometimes causes respiratory problems (laryngeal spasm, dyspnea, and cough that barks), stridor, retraction, and cyanosis . Usually followed by infection of the upper airway. More often due to respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza viruses.
Usually attacks children between the ages of 3 months and 3 years, whooping cough can be life threatening if left untreated. Treatment is usually antibiotics and fluids and providing humidified air to keep breathing. Children with severe respiratory conditions can be performed intubation or tracheotomy.

History flu symptoms 1 to 2 days ago
The signs and symptoms of respiratory disorders
Barking cough
A hoarse voice during inspiration




Impaired level of consciousness
Sleep disturbance


Difficulty eating


The increase in temperature (usually less than 102 º F [39 º C], depending on the method of using temperature measurements)

Nursing Diagnosis
Ineffective breathing pattern associated with airway edema bagiuan top and a thick mucus.
Expected results
Children will maintain free airway breathing disorder characterized by reduced.

Assess the respiratory status of children as often as possible or continuously review the signs and symptoms of increased difficulty breathing and respiratory obstruction, including increased respiratory rate, stridor, retraction, dilation of nostrils, expiratory an elongated, cyanosis, confusion, anxiety, noise reduction breath, tachycardia, and a barking cough.
Give the cool air humidity by using a tent, tools humidifikasi, or facial markers.
Give oxygen, if necessary
Give steam racemic epinephrin, if necessary, watch for signs re obstruction.
If a child can receive, place on high-Fowler's position


The signs and symptoms of respiratory obstruction may indicate a worse
Rapid increase in breathing frequency will increase heart rate which can be an early sign of hypoxia.
Moist air to dilute the mucus.
Oxygen may be advisable to reduce hypoxia and anxiety. Therefore
This position will increase lung capacity because of reduced pressure diaphragm to the lung.

The risk reduction associated with lowering voume fluid through oral fluid intake
Expected results
Tillers will maintain fluid balance is characterized by good skin turgor and urine output of 1 to 2 ml / kg / hour.

Assess the child's ability to tolerate liquid (swallow, choke, or cough).
Provide and monitor intravenous fluids, as instructed.
Careful monitoring of fluid intake and output in children
Assess for signs of dehydration in children, including tugor bad skin, dry mucous membranes, sunken fontanel, and sunken eyes.


Children's ability to tolerate liquids is influenced by the uncomfortable feeling in the throat, increasing the frequency of breathing, or vomiting.
Per infusion fluid can be recommended to reduce physical activity associated with feeding by mouth. If the child has severe breathing difficulties, then the oral fluids is contraindicated because the risk of aspiration and vomiting.
Careful monitoring enables early detection of signs of dehydration, such as decreased urine output.
Fluid intake in children is necessary to conform with dehindrasi signs visible.

Nursing Diagnosis
Anxiety (children) are associated with respiratory distress and hospitalization stay.
Expected results
Children will be reduced his anxiety is characterized by periods of rest and enough sleep respiratory status is stable.

Let the child in a pleasant position during treatment of air or oxygen sticking. For example, put kids in bed on his side or the head elevated
All examinations and procedures need not be made until the child's respiratory status improves.
Encourage parents to stay with the children.
Provide objects that are familiar with the child, such as dolls and blankets for children to maintain the child in the tent with moisture or croupette. Avoid combustible game if the child using oxygen.
Create tranquility, and calm atmosphere.


Children should be made as comfortable as possible and safe in order to reduce anxiety during treatment because discomfort may increase the frequency of the child's breathing and cause stridor. Children can menstoleransi tent with humidity or moisture cool tool better than with face masks.
Child's anxiety level might have increased due to the increasing difficulty breathing; test and unusual procedures can add to the problem.
The presence of parents can help reduce anxiety, help to stabilize the child's breathing frequency.
Things that are already familiar to the child will provide a secure feeling and helps reduce anxiety associated with new environments and unfamiliar environment for children.
Tranquillity and calm atmosphere that helps reduce anxiety and improve respiration normal.

Nursing Diagnosis
Anxiety (parents) are associated with lack of knowledge about the condition of his son.
Expected results
Parents will express that anxiety is reduced and the increased understanding of the condition of children and reduced the fear of the procedure.

Assess understanding of parents about the condition of children and its treatment in connection with the possibility of his fear of seeing her reaction when experiencing breathing problems.
Explain all procedures in the elderly, medication, and equipment.
Provide emotional support to parents during the child-patient stay in hospital.


With the assessment allows you to develop your lesson plan to help parents understand the child's condition and treatment, will reduce fear.
The explanation given before and during the hospital will provide knowledge and understanding to help clarify the error, reduce parent anxiety.
Emotional support will help parents adjust to the crisis of hospitalization.

Nursing Diagnosis
Lack of knowledge related to nursing home care
Expected results
The parents will express their understanding in connection with home care instructions.

Teach parents how and when given the drug, including information on dosage and reaction.
Explain to parents the signs and symptoms of respiratory distress and infection, including fever, dipsnea, Tachypnoea, sputum is yellowish or greenish, and the presence of wheezing.
Explain the importance of adequate rest for the child.
Teach about the importance of adequate hydration and nutrition. Explain that children need to drink two 8-oz (240-ml) glasses of fluid per day (depending on the state of renal and cardiovascular) and eat foods high in calories.
Teach about the importance of providing the environment by sticking with a moisturizer that is cold.
If the child has an attack during the winter, suggest that parents of children wrapped in warm blankets or jackets and carry it out.


Understanding Otang treatment program will help parents follow the child throughout treatment. Knowing about the side effects as a result of treatment allows parents will ask for help to the doctor whenever possible.
Knowing how to recognize the signs and symptoms allows parents to seek help at the doctor when needed.
After infection, the child needs frequent rest periods in order to promote healing and prevent recurrence.
Fluids will help thin mucus. High-calorie diet to help meet the calories in order to combat the disease.
Air sticking help thin mucus. Sticking cold air from the nebulizer and safe from the warm air is evaporated, which will cause the fire and grow mushrooms.
Cold air will reduce the swelling and cough due to illness.

Documentation checklist
During his stay in the hospital, notes:
The status of children and assessments made when children enter the hospital
Changes in the situation of children
Associated with laboratory and diagnostic tests
Fluid intake and output
Response of children to treatment
The reaction of children and parents terhdap disease and stay patient in hospital.
Mengajaran guide patients and their families
Guidelines for home plans.

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