A. Assessment
Basic Patient Assessment Data
- Activities
Symptoms: extreme fatigue, kalemahan, malaise
Sleep disturbance (insomnia / restless or somnolen)
Signs: muscle weakness, loss of tone, decreased range of motion.
- Circulation
Symptoms: A history of prolonged or severe hypertension
palpatasi, chest pain (angina)
Alert: Hypertension, DUJ, strong pulse, the public network and pitting edema in the feet, palms, hands.
Weak pulse, hypotension ortostatikmenunjukkan hypovolemia, which is rare in the late stages of disease.
Pale, greenish brown skin, yellow.
Bleeding tendency
- Ego Integrity
Symptoms: stress factors, eg financial, relationships and so forth.
Feeling helpless, hopeless, no power.
Signs: Refuse, anxiety, fear, anger, easily aroused, changes in personality.
- Elimination
Symptoms: Decreased urinary frequency, oliguria, anuria (at the advanced stage renal failure)
Abdominal bloating, diarrhea, or constipation
Signs: Changes in urine color, dark yellow example, red, brown, oliguria.
- Food / fluid
Symptoms: Weight gain was rapid (edema), weight loss (malnutrition).
Anorexia, heartburn, nausea / vomiting, unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth (breathing ammonia)
Usage diurotik
Signs: Abdominal distension / ascites, liver enlargement (final stage)
Changes in skin turgor / humidity
Edema (general, targantung)
Ulceration of the gums, bleeding gums / tongue.
Decrease in muscle, subcutaneous fat loss, no powerful appearance
- Neurosensori
Symptoms: Headache, blurred vision
Muscle cramps / spasms, syndrome "restless legs", a burning sensation on the soles of the feet, tingling and weakness, especially ekstremiras below.
Signs: Impaired mental status, decreased contah field of attention, inability to concentrate, memory loss, confusion, decreased level of consciousness, stupor.
Seizures, muscle fasciculation, seizures activity.
Thin hair, brittle nails and thin
- Pain / comfort
Symptoms: pelvic pain, headaches, muscle cramps / leg pain
Signs: Behavior careful / distraction, anxiety
- Respiratory
Symptoms: short breath, dyspnea, cough with or without sputum thicker and more
Signs: Tachypnoea, dyspnea, increased frequency / depth.
Cough with watery sputum (pulmonary edema)
- Security
Symptoms: Itchy skin
There is / recurrent infections
Signs: pruritis
Fever (sepsis, dehydration), normotermia can actually increase in patients with lower body temperature than normal
Ptekie, ekimosis areas on the skin
Bone fractures, limited motion of joints
- Sexuality
Symptoms: Decreased libido, amenorrhea, infertility
- Social interaction
Symptoms: Difficulty determining the conditions, eg unable to work, role, functions normally in the family.
- Extension / Learning
Symptoms: History of DM (high risk for kidney failure), polycystic disease, nephritis heredeter, calculus urenaria, maliganansi.
History terpejan the toxin, eg drugs, environmental toxins.
The use of nephrotoxic antibiotics current / recurrent.
B. Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing diagnosis is established on the basis of data from patients. Possible nursing diagnosis of people with chronic kidney failure are as follows:
- Excess fluid volume associated with decreased urine output, excessive dietary sodium and fluid retention as well.
- Changes in nutrition: less than body requirements related to anorexia, nausea and vomiting, diet restriction, and changes in oral mucous membranes.
- Activity intolerance related to fatigue, anemia, retention, product waste.
- High risk of cardiac-related penururnan fluid imbalances affect circulating volume, myocardial work, and systemic vascular resistance.
- High risk of damage to skin integrity related to the accumulation of toxins in the skin.
- Anxiety associated with less knowledge about the condition, diagnostic tests, the action plan, and prognosis.
D. Implementation
Nursing care for clients with chronic renal failure
1. Therapy Helps Achieve Objectives
a. Ensuring that people continue to pursue water restrictions that have been ordered.
b. Ensuring that people pursue high-carbohydrate diet accompanied by restrictions of sodium, potassium, phosphorus and protein.
c. Pursue food ingredient that binds phosphate.
d. Give stool softener if the client gets an aluminum antacid.
e. Giving vitamin and mineral supplements according to the ordered.
f. Protecting patients from infection
g. Assess client's environment and protect from injury in a manner that closely.
h. Prevent gastrointestinal bleeding is more severe by using a toothbrush fluffy and antacid administration.
2. Pursuing Leisure
a. Seek to reduce itching, pruritis by giving anti-drug needs.
b. Pursuing a warm and muscle spasms message from the hands and lower legs.
c. Matol water to prepare artificial ocular irritation.
d. Pursuing a rest when tired
e. Ensuring that clients can sleep through wise
f. Pursuing several times daily oral hygiene, especially before eating.
3. Consultation and Guidance
a. Setting up the person who can provide an opportunity to discuss a variety of feelings about the chronicity of the disease.
b. Seek consultation if there is a disturbing rejection therapy
c. Encouraging people to give help on how I manage the new way of life.
d. Providing information about the nature of CRF, rational therapy, medication rules and the need to continue treatment. (Medical Surgical Nursing, Barbara C. Long)
E. Evaluation
Common questions to be asked on the evaluation of people with chronic renal failure consists of the following.
1. Are there symptoms of increased fluid retention?
2. Do people pursue the necessary fluid dietvdan message?
3. Are there symptoms are too tired?
4. Are people excessive scratching?
5. Do people sleep soundly at night?
6. Were prevention of infection, additional gastrointestinal bleeding?
7. Whether one can decipher the nature of CRF, rational and therapy, drug regulation and symptom-gejalayang should be reported?
(Medical Surgical Nursing, Barbara C. Long)
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